There's so much on my mind, I don't even know where to begin.
I've somewhat recently finished reading a book called 'Crazy Love' by Francis Chan. Normally I'm a speedy reader, but at first I had to take this book slow because there was so much to digest.
I've read many Christian self-help books, but I guess all of them had to do with purity and God. 'Crazy Love' dealt with our relationship with God, and only God. It was really eye-opening and makes me want to change the way I live my life.
There was so much to process that I can't write it all down - my hand would get severe arthritis.
The point is, now I want to drastically change my life, but I'm scared. I want to change so much it'll even take other Christians by surprise.
But I'm afraid - I had to talk to Brenna (my best friend) about it. I lent the book to her, and though she hasn't finished reading it yet, we had a deep, heart to heart conversation.
It turns out, I'm not alone in my fear to make theses changes.
Talking to Brenna got a lot off both of our chests. We both want to change our lifestyles to become better Christians. We shared our flaws, our fears, our hopes.
One thing we discussed was quitting facebook. It may not seem like the biggest step towards a better relationship with God, but when you think about it, it can be.
Brenna and I decided we were both unhealthily addicted to facebook. It replaces God in that all the pointless time we spend on the computer, we could be getting to know our Father better.
Brenna and I decided to think about the whole quitting facebook thing. I haven't heard her decision yet, but I think I know mine.
It's time to quit. I know it'll be hard, but seriously, most of my 'friends' I have on facebook are just accquaintances. The people I do actually talk to, I see them in person often enough, or have some other means to communicate with them.
Without facebook, I'll have so much more time, and hopefully be less distracted. I'm scared to quit, and scared that when I do, something else will step in and serve as my distraction from God.
But with Brenna as my accountability partner, and trust in God, I know I can do it.
Faith is about risks, and it's a risk I'm willing to take.
"Therefore, I urge you brothers, in view of God's mercy, to offer your bodies as living sacrifices, holy and pleasing to God - this is your spiritual act of worship. Do not conform any longer to the pattern of this world, but be transformed by the renewing of your mind. Then you will be able to test and approve what God's will is - his good, pleasing and perfect will."
-Romans 12:1-2
Wednesday, January 26, 2011
Sunday, January 23, 2011
I have a lot on my mind right now, so I'm not sure where to start. What I know for sure though, is that my inspiration for today's blog comes from church this morning.
Today's scripture was from Romans 2:12-16:
"All who sin apart from the law will also perish apart from the law, and all who sin under the law will be judged by the law. For it is not those who hear the law who are righteous in God's sight, but it is those who obey the law who will be declared righteous. (Indeed, when Gentiles, who do not have the law, do by nature things required by the law, they are a law for themselves, even though they do not have the law, since they show that the requirements of the law are written on their hearts, their consciences also bearing witness, and their thoughts now accusing, now even defending them.) This will take place on the day when God will judge men's secrets through Jesus Christ, as my gospel declares." NIV
The lesson had to do with God being the ultimate judge, but often times we become judges ourselves. The man giving the sermon had many example stories, and I'll admit I was tired and it was hard to follow, but when he was making his main point, I was on alert.
A lot of the lesson had to do with how other people view Christians. This really struck me, especially the stories I heard. And now I'll repeat one that really impacted me.
We all know who Gandhi is, right? Well, in his younger years, he was a lawyer and was working in South Africa. Gandhi was Hindu, but he had a Christian friend who kept trying to convince him to go to church with him. Gandhi was reluctant, but eventually he gave in. Except here's the clincher: when Gandhi tried to enter the church, the members wouldn't let him because he was 'brown.'
Whoa. That would really change someone's perspective, and this was a Christian congregation. Gandhi has many famous quotes, but have you heard these?:
"I like your Christ, I do not like your Christians. Your Christians are so unlike your Christ."
"If Christians would really live according to the teachings of Christ, as found in the Bible, all of India would be Christian today."
Do I need to say more?
Well, yes, I do. I was just going for dramatic impact.
The point is, Gandhi still loved God and the stories of Jesus. But because of the Christians he met that one time he went to church, he didn't pursue Christianity.
How sad is it that people generally don't have a problem with God, but with the Christians? There's a change that needs to be happening.
Now, I'm not accusing all Christians of being like this, not at all. But it takes one person to make an impression on someone who wants to take a glimpse at our Christianity.
I just want you to remember, that maybe next time you have a visitor in your church, or if someone asks about your beliefs, don't drive them away like so many people have done. Gandhi didn't think we were Christ-like, but if we were, the world would be a much different place.
"In the same way, let your light shine before men, that they may see your good deeds and praise your Father in heaven." -Matthew 5:16, NIV
Today's scripture was from Romans 2:12-16:
"All who sin apart from the law will also perish apart from the law, and all who sin under the law will be judged by the law. For it is not those who hear the law who are righteous in God's sight, but it is those who obey the law who will be declared righteous. (Indeed, when Gentiles, who do not have the law, do by nature things required by the law, they are a law for themselves, even though they do not have the law, since they show that the requirements of the law are written on their hearts, their consciences also bearing witness, and their thoughts now accusing, now even defending them.) This will take place on the day when God will judge men's secrets through Jesus Christ, as my gospel declares." NIV
The lesson had to do with God being the ultimate judge, but often times we become judges ourselves. The man giving the sermon had many example stories, and I'll admit I was tired and it was hard to follow, but when he was making his main point, I was on alert.
A lot of the lesson had to do with how other people view Christians. This really struck me, especially the stories I heard. And now I'll repeat one that really impacted me.
We all know who Gandhi is, right? Well, in his younger years, he was a lawyer and was working in South Africa. Gandhi was Hindu, but he had a Christian friend who kept trying to convince him to go to church with him. Gandhi was reluctant, but eventually he gave in. Except here's the clincher: when Gandhi tried to enter the church, the members wouldn't let him because he was 'brown.'
Whoa. That would really change someone's perspective, and this was a Christian congregation. Gandhi has many famous quotes, but have you heard these?:
"I like your Christ, I do not like your Christians. Your Christians are so unlike your Christ."
"If Christians would really live according to the teachings of Christ, as found in the Bible, all of India would be Christian today."
Do I need to say more?
Well, yes, I do. I was just going for dramatic impact.
The point is, Gandhi still loved God and the stories of Jesus. But because of the Christians he met that one time he went to church, he didn't pursue Christianity.
How sad is it that people generally don't have a problem with God, but with the Christians? There's a change that needs to be happening.
Now, I'm not accusing all Christians of being like this, not at all. But it takes one person to make an impression on someone who wants to take a glimpse at our Christianity.
I just want you to remember, that maybe next time you have a visitor in your church, or if someone asks about your beliefs, don't drive them away like so many people have done. Gandhi didn't think we were Christ-like, but if we were, the world would be a much different place.
"In the same way, let your light shine before men, that they may see your good deeds and praise your Father in heaven." -Matthew 5:16, NIV
Saturday, January 22, 2011
Way Beyond Myself
I don't know why, but I thought it seemed appropriate to have a different post explaining the title of my blog.
Anywho, ever heard of the band Newsboys? Well, 'Way Beyond Myself' is a song on their newest album, the one with the new lead singer (the guy from dcTalk whose name I can't remember)... it's a good album, but this song is my favorite. You'll have to look it up, it's a song that really gets me pumped up for God.
One of my favorite things to do is listen to and interpret music. I really love a song with good lyrics, and if it's got a good rythym, that's even better. So I'm going to recite the lyrics and give an interpretation, even if you look up the song yourself.
The song starts out:
"I've been thinking it's about time,
to win the war that fights against all these lies invading my mind.
You have brought me to my senses.
Even though you built this world to shake,
you still love me in a personal way.
So I think it's time to leave my doubt behind."
Well, every time I interpret a song it's different depending on my mood and what I've been going through recently. The first time I ever heard this song I was struggling a lot with the whole God thing. I'm the type of person who thinks too much, and sometimes I overthink things, making them more complex than they really are. So at the time I was having a lot of doubt in God, whether He existed, what I was really supposed to feel in my relationship with him, all that kind of stuff. And then I heard this song, and that line "to win the war that fights against all the lies invading my mind." That really hit me. That was exactly what I was feeling, overwhelmed and confused by this whole issue. The lyrics go on to say "Even though you built this world to shake, you still love me in a personal way." This is so true, even if you don't feel yet, or are still doubting me, it's true. God loves you in a way that no one else ever will. Even though I had my doubts, I was sure I believed, and just the idea that God loves me that way gave me the hope and motivation to keep trying.}
Next part:
"There's so much more than meets the eye of what's going on inside,
I believe in something way beyond myself.
Like the wind that moves the leaves,
Lord, you move me to my knees
Giving in to something way beyond myself
I'm giving in to something way beyond myself."
This is the chorus, but my favorite part of the song. There is so much more than what meets the eye. And this can be interpreted in a lot of ways. For me, I thought there is so much going on inside of me, and no one can tell. Some things good, some things bad. (But that leads to a different story to be told later.) When I first heard this song I wasn't feeling the inspiration to worship and believe like the lyrics suggest, but the more I listened to the song and the more I began to build my faith, the more the lyrics move me.}
"Oh, the way we build our empires
hoping to impress our friends
we've forgotten how to inspire
those who fall to rise again
Oh my God you built this world to shake,
you still love me in a personal way
so I think it's time to leave my doubt behind
The 'empires' the Newsboys are talking about here are not the kingdoms you may first think of. No, the empires are something everyone has, something that is different for each person. It can be your new car, your iPod or even your boyfriend/girlfriend. Something near and dear to our hearts that we want everyone to know about and show off. Maybe it's even in the place where God should be. And the part about how forgetting to inspire... It seems that we get so carried away in life, as Christians we forget how we're supposed to be living our lives and being Christ-like examples for others. Well, I'm about to get carried away with this verse, so I may save the idea for a different post. Anyways, even though we act like this and maybe replacing God with something or someone else, He still loves us in that personal way.}
Last Verse:
"Storms are going to come my way I know
some things are out of our control
but there's a hope beyond myself
It's you, and you will never let me go
and now I want my life to show
and you got me thinking beyond myself
way beyond myself
As I think about what to write for this verse, I realize it's probably the most important. The storms are an obvious metaphor for everything that will challenge us in our lives and our faith. We can't control what will happen, but we can look to the one hope we have - God. And He will always be there for us, and still love us. The verse goes on, 'I want my life to show, and you got me thinking way beyond myself.' No longer are we selfish, but thinking about others, and I realize I've reached the level the last verse is asking us to go. Thinking beyond ourselves to share and help others meet God.}
Haha, well, you were spared the essay length interpretations I'm sure I could come up with. And maybe later on I'll go further in depth with this song, but hopefully this has given you a glimpse what this blog will be about. I'm still working on my faith, but I want to help others find theirs. And help them think beyond themselves, just as I am.
Anywho, ever heard of the band Newsboys? Well, 'Way Beyond Myself' is a song on their newest album, the one with the new lead singer (the guy from dcTalk whose name I can't remember)... it's a good album, but this song is my favorite. You'll have to look it up, it's a song that really gets me pumped up for God.
One of my favorite things to do is listen to and interpret music. I really love a song with good lyrics, and if it's got a good rythym, that's even better. So I'm going to recite the lyrics and give an interpretation, even if you look up the song yourself.
The song starts out:
"I've been thinking it's about time,
to win the war that fights against all these lies invading my mind.
You have brought me to my senses.
Even though you built this world to shake,
you still love me in a personal way.
So I think it's time to leave my doubt behind."
Well, every time I interpret a song it's different depending on my mood and what I've been going through recently. The first time I ever heard this song I was struggling a lot with the whole God thing. I'm the type of person who thinks too much, and sometimes I overthink things, making them more complex than they really are. So at the time I was having a lot of doubt in God, whether He existed, what I was really supposed to feel in my relationship with him, all that kind of stuff. And then I heard this song, and that line "to win the war that fights against all the lies invading my mind." That really hit me. That was exactly what I was feeling, overwhelmed and confused by this whole issue. The lyrics go on to say "Even though you built this world to shake, you still love me in a personal way." This is so true, even if you don't feel yet, or are still doubting me, it's true. God loves you in a way that no one else ever will. Even though I had my doubts, I was sure I believed, and just the idea that God loves me that way gave me the hope and motivation to keep trying.}
Next part:
"There's so much more than meets the eye of what's going on inside,
I believe in something way beyond myself.
Like the wind that moves the leaves,
Lord, you move me to my knees
Giving in to something way beyond myself
I'm giving in to something way beyond myself."
This is the chorus, but my favorite part of the song. There is so much more than what meets the eye. And this can be interpreted in a lot of ways. For me, I thought there is so much going on inside of me, and no one can tell. Some things good, some things bad. (But that leads to a different story to be told later.) When I first heard this song I wasn't feeling the inspiration to worship and believe like the lyrics suggest, but the more I listened to the song and the more I began to build my faith, the more the lyrics move me.}
"Oh, the way we build our empires
hoping to impress our friends
we've forgotten how to inspire
those who fall to rise again
Oh my God you built this world to shake,
you still love me in a personal way
so I think it's time to leave my doubt behind
The 'empires' the Newsboys are talking about here are not the kingdoms you may first think of. No, the empires are something everyone has, something that is different for each person. It can be your new car, your iPod or even your boyfriend/girlfriend. Something near and dear to our hearts that we want everyone to know about and show off. Maybe it's even in the place where God should be. And the part about how forgetting to inspire... It seems that we get so carried away in life, as Christians we forget how we're supposed to be living our lives and being Christ-like examples for others. Well, I'm about to get carried away with this verse, so I may save the idea for a different post. Anyways, even though we act like this and maybe replacing God with something or someone else, He still loves us in that personal way.}
Last Verse:
"Storms are going to come my way I know
some things are out of our control
but there's a hope beyond myself
It's you, and you will never let me go
and now I want my life to show
and you got me thinking beyond myself
way beyond myself
As I think about what to write for this verse, I realize it's probably the most important. The storms are an obvious metaphor for everything that will challenge us in our lives and our faith. We can't control what will happen, but we can look to the one hope we have - God. And He will always be there for us, and still love us. The verse goes on, 'I want my life to show, and you got me thinking way beyond myself.' No longer are we selfish, but thinking about others, and I realize I've reached the level the last verse is asking us to go. Thinking beyond ourselves to share and help others meet God.}
Haha, well, you were spared the essay length interpretations I'm sure I could come up with. And maybe later on I'll go further in depth with this song, but hopefully this has given you a glimpse what this blog will be about. I'm still working on my faith, but I want to help others find theirs. And help them think beyond themselves, just as I am.
Well, this is my second attempt at blogging. The first time I tried I only wrote two posts, but then I forgot my own blogsite and could never find it again, much less remember my account username... but this time I won't forget. I promise.
Anyways, what I hope to get out of this blog is keeping track of my spiritual life. Well, that may seem like something really personal to some people, and it is, so I may not share all the details, but this blog is for me to keep track of my faith as it develops, and maybe give inspiration and hope to people also in search of Christ.
Enjoy, and God bless.
Anyways, what I hope to get out of this blog is keeping track of my spiritual life. Well, that may seem like something really personal to some people, and it is, so I may not share all the details, but this blog is for me to keep track of my faith as it develops, and maybe give inspiration and hope to people also in search of Christ.
Enjoy, and God bless.
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